Toad in the Hole – 30 years too late

toad in the hole

Gosh! I haven’t posted on here for 2 years! A lot has happened, and I’ve cooked many many things from many new books – but somehow didn’t blog about it.

I’ve moved house (more on that some other time) and my job changed. I became so busy that I didn’t have time to enjoy what I enjoy the best – cooking and writing about it.

So, hopefully this reawakening post will see me jump into life and resume service as it was before 2021.

This toad in the hole is the first one I’ve ever made in my life. My mum always serves up Yorkshire pudding with every roast (without fail) but for some reason I’ve always decided it is beyond me! Until now! I’ve made 4 now – in as many months!.

Reality is, this is just hot oil, a batter, and don’t open the oven door! Obviously there’s a little more to it; you need some nice sausages and the perfect batter – and the perfect sized roasting tin. I used lincolnshire sausages for this one and I fried them off a bit before adding the batter. Lots of people suggest you add them uncooked but personally I can’t see how they will cook for long enough if you do that!

Add a nice onion gravy and this is a meal that needs no accompanyment.

Adios ! I’ll be back.